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Open Hours

It is CRITICAL that you spend time doing Maple outside your lab class. To facilitate this, lab staff are on hand to assist you during open hours. They'll selectively open Blocker 131, 130, 127, and 125 (in that order), based on demand. Under no circumstances are you to interrupt a TA's or instructor's lab class, day or night. Either wait until open hours or go to a TAMU computing center (see the next subsection). Schedules are posted both in the CalcLabs and electronically on the Web. They specify exactly what goes on in each room each hour of the day. Here are the current open hours.

DAYS               HOURS
Monday-Thursday     7:00 pm   - 12:00  mid
Friday (BLOC 127)   9:00 am   -  5:00  pm
Saturday           12:00 noon -  6:00  pm
Sunday             12:00 noon - 12:00  mid

Art Belmonte
Tue Aug 27 11:05:59 CDT 1996