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Obtaining an Xprint Account

Click on the background area to obtain the Root Menu. Click on Programs, then x3270. Finally, click on CLAIM. Proceed as follows.

  1. Type your student ID without punctuation--usually, though not always, your social security number; e.g., 123456789. Press Return.
  2. Type your CLAIM password. Press Return. (If you have trouble with this step, obtain assistance at a CIS Help Desk.)
  3. Type `1,' then Return. [ Logon-ID (User-ID or Username) Subsystem ]
  4. Type `3,' then Return. [ Select Computer Systems for a Logon-ID ]
  5. Type in your Logon-ID, which is usually the same as your CalcLab userid. )
  6. ( Tab or space down to Xprint and type `x,' then press Return. )
  7. ( Follow the instructions for choosing an Xprint password. )
  8. ( After you have finished following all instructions, tab or space to the command field and type `e' and Return to exit CLAIM. Then close the window.)

Art Belmonte
Tue Aug 27 11:05:59 CDT 1996