HOMEWORK, WEEK 10 INSTRUCTIONS: Do the problem assigned to you as author, and one other problem from this list. If your assigned problem is from Sec. 6.2, choose the other one from Secs. 6.3-6.4, and vice versa. Exercise Author Reviewers -------- ------ --------- 6.2.2 Bains, Fishbeck, Portillo omicron 6.2.4 Lopez, Franz, Randev lambda 6.2.6 Izquierdo, Gregg, ReeseJ xi 6.2.8 Berry, Greenlaw, ReeseS iota 6.2.10 Billings, Hamilton, Russell zeta 6.2.12 Broughton, Joe, Ruple mu 6.2.14 Burns, Kirkendall, Sample pi 6.2.16 Cloud, Marosfalvy, Schaefer epsilon 6.2.18 Barkley, Qureshi, Skoruppa eta 6.3.2 Chen, Krueger gamma 6.3.4 Coppinger, O'Bryant nu 6.3.6 Clearman, Pitre sigma (May use Maple, but NOT Mr. Belmonte's programs that just spit out the answer!) 6.4.2 Juarez, Cooper, Ybarra alpha 6.4.4 Dumoit, Prinz, Tidwell theta (absorbs rho) 6.4.6 Faasse, Peck, Southernwood kappa 6.4.8 Cawlfield, Romero, Mendoza phi 6.4.10 Felton, Pickens, Smaistrla upsilon