HOMEWORK, WEEK 10 INSTRUCTIONS: Do the problem assigned to you as author, and one other problem from this list. If your assigned problem is from Sec. 6.2, choose the other one from Secs. 6.3-6.4, and vice versa. Exercise Author Reviewers -------- ------ --------- 6.2.1 Malcom omicron 6.2.3 Jones, Miller nu 6.2.5 Drew, Valderrama kappa 6.2.7 Williamson alpha 6.2.9 Perez, Price zeta 6.2.11 Goines, Skinner theta 6.2.13 Burford gamma/pi 6.2.15 Ballenger epsilon 6.2.17 Kruppa eta 6.3.1 Deeke epsilon 6.3.3 Blevins eta 6.3.5 Nadeau gamma/pi 6.3.7 Brady, Sutherland lambda 6.3.9 Williams mu 6.3.11 Marshall, McWhorter nu 6.4.1 Bezner theta 6.4.3 Mazurowski, Walicek alpha 6.4.5 McCoy omicron 6.4.7 Hobson, Smith beta 6.4.9 Harris xi 6.4.11 Joseph, Nguyen mu