HOMEWORK, WEEK 4 INSTRUCTIONS: Do the problem assigned to you as author, and one other problem from this list (from a different section). Exercise Author Reviewers -------- ------ --------- 3.3.1 Goines beta 3.3.3 Hobson, Harris omicron 3.3.5 Bezner, Drew zeta 3.3.7 Brady, Nguyen theta 3.3.9 Johnson, Nadeau kappa 3.4.1 McWhorter, Skinner mu 3.4.3 Malcom, Sutherland rho 3.4.5 Kruppa, Mancill alpha 3.4.7 Joseph pi 3.4.9 Marshall, Miller lambda 3.5.1 Walicek, Mazurowski omicron 3.5.3 Blevins, Jones kappa 3.5.5 Smith, Valderrama pi 3.5.7 Burford, Williams xi 3.5.9 Ballenger eta 3.5.11 Williamson, McCoy epsilon 3.5.13 Perez, Price gamma 3.5.15 Deeke nu