Before I go into a huddle over your term papers, I want to thank you all for being an enthusiastic and competent class. Thanks to Ngoc for handling the homework well (and Katie for helping her to distribute typeset solutions). I must admit I paid very little attention to the homework; most of my teaching time was spent reading the new textbook and building weekly web pages. You got a form message asking you to fill in course evaluations, and most of you have done so, although the questionnaire is primarily designed for undergraduate courses (and on-campus ones, at that). The university and department will appreciate that. From my point of view, however, it is much more important to get your frank constructive criticisms on the course materials and procedures, which you should e-mail directly to me at your leisure. What weeks or chapters had too much material to swallow? What should be left out? Which homework assignments were too long; which problems were too hard, and which were easy but a waste of time? Was the reading on the math ed wars useful and interesting, or have you heard it all before? Should I keep all 3 of those readings, or just one or two (which)? The eCampus page will be deleted on June 2. Till then you are still invited to post your papers there, and to read and comment upon the other papers. Generic comments for the whole group can go in the topic "week14&beyond", as its name implies.