# 12.1 Parameterized Curves and Polar Plots # Art Belmonte, Summer 1996 # These are the shaded gray examples which appear in Section 12.1. > restart; plot([3*cos(t), 3*sin(t), t=0..2*Pi]); > r:=cos(3*t); plot([r*cos(t), r*sin(t), t=0..2*Pi], > scaling=constrained); r := cos(3 t) > r:=1 / (1-sin(t)); x:=r*cos(t); y:=r*sin(t); 1 r := ---------- 1 - sin(t) cos(t) x := ---------- 1 - sin(t) sin(t) y := ---------- 1 - sin(t) # Behold: a parabola! > plot([x, y, t=0..2*Pi], -5..5, -5..5); > with(plots): polarplot(r, t=0..2*Pi, view=[-5..5, -5..5]); >