
A Vector Calculus Package for Maple

By Arthur Belmonte and Philip B. Yasskin

© 1995-2003 by Arthur Belmonte and Philip B. Yasskin,
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, with All Rights reserved.

The VecCalc package is a collection of Maple commands designed to help students with problems in Vector Calculus. However, it should also be useful to professionals who use Vector Analysis.

The current version 8.0 was written to work with Maple 8 and also works with Maple 7 through 16. It operates with either lists and lists of lists or angle bracket Vectors and Matrices.

Previous versions were called the vec_calc package.
Version 3 works with Maple V Release 3.
Version 4.3 works with Maple V Releases 4, 5 and 5.1.
Version 6 works with Maple 6.
Version 7 works with Maple 7 through 16.
These versions work with lists and lists of lists or old style vectors and matrices. None of these earlier versions is being maintained.

When you start the VecCalc or vec_calc package, it displays the version number of your copy.

For more information and to download the files, click on the appropriate link below. The file names changed between Maple 7 and 8 but they are actually the same files. At the same time the location where they are stored changed and Maple became available for the MAC. With several subsequest versions the storage location changed on the MAC.

Maple 8 and above
VecCalc 8.0 vec_calc 7
Maple 7
VecCalc 8.0 vec_calc 7
Maple 6

vec_calc 6
Maple V Release 5 and 5.1

vec_calc 4.3
Maple V Release 4

vec_calc 4.3
Maple V Release 3

vec_calc 3


The VecCalc version 8.0 package accompanies the books:

The earlier vec_calc version 4.3 package accompanies the books:


The vec_calc commands were originally written for Maple V Release 3 by A. Belmonte and P. Yasskin. The commands were organized into a package called vec_calc for Maple V Release 3 by James Warren and P. Yasskin. The help pages were first written for Maple V Release 3 by David Arnold, J. Warren and P. Yasskin and converted to Maple V Release 4 by Ken Parker, Jared Teslow and P. Yasskin. The package was converted to a module and the commands were updated to Maple 6 and 7 by A. Belmonte and the help pages were updated to Maple 6 and 7 by P. Yasskin. The module, commands and help pages were significantly modified for Maple 8 to be compatible with new Vector and Matrix types and renamed VecCalc by P. Yasskin with help from Chad Wellington, Krista Rister, Chris Haag, Ethan McConnell, Allison DenBleyker and Jeffrey Yasskin.
Please send comments, questions, or suggestions regarding the VecCalc package to Philip B. Yasskin at
Last updated June 23, 2012