vec_calc 7

A Vector Calculus Package
for Maple 8 and higher            

By Arthur Belmonte and Philip B. Yasskin

© 1995-2003 by Arthur Belmonte and Philip B. Yasskin,
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, with All Rights reserved.

This version of the package is no longer being maintained.

This version of the package works in the classic version of Maple 8 and higher. (Note: There is no classic version for Mac.)
It only works in the standard version of Maple 8 and higher when entered in Maple Input mode, not in 2-D Math mode, due to the presence of underscores in the variable names.

Downloading and Installing the Files

Before using the vec_calc package, you must first download and install four files. These files are exactly the same for all operating systems. Right click on each of the following files and save the link in the folder explained below.
package index vec_calc.ind 40 KB
package library vec_calc.lib 27 KB
package help vec_calc.hdb 313 KB
package report vec_calc.rep 1 KB
To find the standard folder for saving the files, execute the maple command
> libname;
Most likely this folder will be
Windows: C:\Program Files\Maple 8\lib
Unix/Linux: /usr/local/maple8/lib
Macintosh OS X:
(probably one of these)
Note: Replace the 8 by your version of Maple.
You may also save the files in any folder on your hard drive or any external drive but in that case the instructions below must be appropriately modified.

Using the Package

To use the commands in the vec_calc package, you must first execute up to three commands.

The first command tells Maple where the package files are located. If you saved your files in the standard folder, ignore this step. Otherwise, after starting Maple, execute the command
> libname := libname, "yourfolderpath";
where yourfolderpath is the full path to the folder where you saved the vec_calc files using / between subfolders. For example, on Windows, if you saved them on a USB drive (with drive letter E), in a folder E:\mypath\myfolder then the command will be
> libname := libname, "E:/mypath/myfolder";
Note The path is enclosed in double quotes (").

The second command reads in the vec_calc package along with three other required packages:
> with(plots): with(student): with(linalg): with(vec_calc);

Finally, the third (optional) command defines many abbreviations for the vec_calc commands:
> vc_aliases;

To get help on any command, execute
> ?vec_calc
and follow the hyperlinks.

Please send comments, questions, or suggestions regarding the vec_calc package to Philip B. Yasskin at
Last updated June 28, 2012