HOMEWORK, WEEK 13-14 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LAST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: This is due on FRIDAY April 30. (There will be a help session the night before.) - Absolutely no late papers can be accepted. - All papers MUST be returned by the reviewers on Monday, May 3, even if you have not written reviews. - Much of class on Friday 4/30 will be spent reviewing the papers, so you should have no trouble finishing on time. - Don't recommend revision. The paper is either acceptable or not. (Minor errors in the best paper can be pointed out for me to correct before copying.) Do the problem assigned to you as author, and another problem from the other section. Exercise Author Reviewers -------- ------ --------- 8.1.2 Clough, King theta 8.1.4 Schleicher, Thomson lambda 8.1.6 Chaney, Elmquist pi 8.1.8 Lam, O'Brien nu 8.1.10 Cervenka, NguyenQ gamma 8.1.12 Jones, Wood xi 8.1.14 Generes, Ninh alpha 8.1.16 Beason, Mendoza epsilon 8.1.18 Combest, Davis iota 8.1.20 Peterson mu 8.1.22 Hale, Runyan rho 8.1.24 Aguirre, Spence delta 8.2.2 Frerich, Linton theta 8.2.4 Kouri, Modjdehi eta 8.2.6 Guerrero, Noyes pi 8.2.8 Kiser, Potts epsilon 8.2.10 Glenn, Klaus kappa 8.2.12 Cobb, NguyenM omicron 8.2.14 Ibarra, NguyenN alpha 8.2.16 Murray, Ward delta 8.2.18 Brown, Denniston beta